Virtual Challenges Video Submissions
1. Each obstacle must be videoed continuously with no editing. Exception: videos may be edited at beginning and end to edit out non-competitive actions (turning on the camera, getting into position, turning off camera, etc.). Each obstacle must have its own video.
2. Videos can be filmed on a trail, bridle path, or other non-arena setting. A large pasture, field and indoor arena is also acceptable. Any exceptions to this rule will be given in the obstacle menu.
3. Videos must be filmed in horizontal (hold phone sideways) mode with SOUND ON. No music, please. Make your videos in the highest quality you can! Low quality videos are very hard to judge. We recommend at least 360p, but higher is better.
4. Obstacles may not be combined. For example, if you cross a log while walking up a steep hill, you can only submit this video for ONE of those two obstacle types.
5. Place your camera according to the instructions for each obstacle, to the best of your ability. Remember, the judge can’t score what she or he can’t see! Read and follow the obstacle instructions exactly! You will receive the instructions upon registration.
6. Each month's videos must be dated on YouTube (or other video host) during the month of the ride. For example, April’s videos must have an upload date between April 1 and 30.
7. ENSURE THAT YOUR VIDEOS ARE VIEWABLE. On YouTube, if you set your videos to "Private" the judge cannot view them. If you submit Private videos, you will receive a score of zero on those videos. The easiest way to doublecheck that your videos are viewable is to text or email the URLs to a friend and have them try to view them.
See Examples Below: